Right of withdrawal
right of withdrawal
Consumers are entitled to a right of withdrawal according to the following stipulations, whereby consumers
is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that
predominantly neither their commercial nor their self-employed professional activity
can be attributed to:
Right of withdrawal
right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason
to revoke.
The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day on which you or one of you
named third party, who is not the carrier, took possession of the last goods
have or has.
In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us (TEKAD - Petra Lauer, Dr-Spang-Str. 22a,
66620 Nonnweiler, phone: 06873-91265, fax: 06873-91266, e-mail:
info@goswo.de) by means of a clear statement (e.g. a sent by post
letter, email, fax) about your decision to withdraw from this contract.
You can use the attached sample withdrawal form for this, however
is not mandatory.
To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send notification of your exercise
of the right of withdrawal before the end of the withdrawal period.
Consequences of revocation
If you revoke this contract, we have to you all payments, which we from
received from you, including delivery costs (excluding the additional
Costs resulting from the fact that you choose a different type of delivery than that
have chosen the cheapest standard delivery offered by us), immediately and
at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which the notification
we have received your cancellation of this contract. for this refund
we use the same means of payment that you used for the original
transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you
agreed; under no circumstances will you be charged any fees for this repayment
calculated. We can refuse the repayment until we receive the goods back
have or until you have provided proof that you have received the goods
returned, whichever is earlier.
You have the goods immediately and in any case within fourteen days at the latest
from the day on which you inform us about the cancellation of this contract
send back or hand over to us. The deadline is met when you receive the goods
before the period of fourteen days has expired. You bear the direct costs
the return of the goods.
You only have to pay for any diminished value of the goods if this
Loss of value on a to check the nature, properties and functionality
of the goods is due to non-necessary handling of them.
Exclusion or premature expiry of the right of withdrawal:
The right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts for the delivery of goods that are not
are prefabricated and for their production an individual selection or determination
by the consumer is authoritative or which is clearly personal
tailored to consumer needs;
Sample cancellation form
(If you want to revoke the contract, please fill out this form
and send it back.)
– TEKAD – Petra Lauer, Dr-Spang-Str. 22a,
66620 Nonnweiler, phone: 06873-91265, fax: 06873-91266, e-mail:
– I/we(*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us on the
Purchase of the following goods (*)/ provision of the following service (*)
– Ordered on (*) /received on (*)
– Name of consumer(s)
– Address of the consumer(s)
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if notification is made on paper)
- Date
(*) Delete where not applicable
End of revocation
1. When delivering goods that are not prefabricated and for their manufacture
an individual determination or selection by the consumer is decisive
or which are clearly tailored to the personal needs of the consumer
are, there is no right of withdrawal. This also applies to the delivery of sealed goods,
if the seal has been removed after delivery.
2. The customer is required to avoid damage and contamination,
as far as he can. He has the goods with him in the original packaging, if possible
all accessories and all packaging components to be returned to the seller.
In addition, he should use a protective outer packaging, provided that
this is appropriate. If the customer no longer has the original packaging,
he uses suitable packaging to ensure adequate protection against transport damage,
to claims for damages due to damage as a result of defective
to avoid packaging.
3. The customer should before returning the goods under info@goswo.de with the seller
report to announce the return and to allow the seller to
allocate the goods as quickly as possible.
4. The customer is informed that the modalities mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3
are not a prerequisite for him to effectively exercise the right of withdrawal

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Hier geht's zum Testbericht
Mallorca Magazin
Mallorca Magazin ist die deutsche Wochenzeitung auf Mallorca. Durch die Teilnahme an einem Golfturnier sind wir positiv aufgefallen und wurden interviewt. Wir sind regelmäßig auf Mallorca und haben bereits zahlreiche Kunden dort, die mit unsere Trainingshilfen nutzen.
Hier geht's zum Bericht
WESERGOLF ist ein Ableger des Stadtmagazin Bremen. In diesem Magazin steckt viel Arbeit und Herzblut von Chefredakteur Werner Schwarz. Im Magazin gibt's Infos über das Clubleben in der Region Bremen, Reisetipps und viele Neuheiten auf dem Golfmarkt.
Hier geht's zur Ausgabe
GOLFMAGAZIN ist die meistgelesene Golfzeitschrift im deutschsprachigen Raum. Das „GOLFmagazin“ bietet für Golfer aller Spielstärken umfangreiche Informationenrund um das Thema Golfsport. Außerdem werden aktuelle Trends in puncto Ausrüstung und Training gezeigt und so wird auch ROTATIX korrekt beschrieben.
Hier geht's zu GOLFMAGAZIN.de
Mallorca Zeitung
Alljährlich sind wir mit unserem Team beim Golfturnier der Mallorca Zeitung in Alcanada am Start. Wir sponsoren Turnierpreise und stellen unsere Trainingshilfen vor. Immer mehr Teilnehmer sind danach überzeugt, kaufen unsere Tools und empfehlen uns auf der Insel weiter.
Hier geht's zu den Turnier-Highlights
FREE GOLFER ist das Magazin für clubfreie Golfer. Für nur 16,90 € im Monat bietet der VcG eine seriöse und erschwingliche Golfmitgliedschaft unter dem Dach des Deutschen Golf Verbandes (DGV). Das Besondere: Als VcG-Mitglied spielst Du auf den schönsten und aufregendsten Plätzen dieser Welt einfach gegen Greenfee. Auch hier wurden unsere Tools entdeckt und vorgestellt.
Hier geht's zum Magazin
ist ein Blog/Magazin mit Trainingstipps, Wissenswertem, Interviews, Produkt-Tests und vielem mehr.
Hier wurde auch ROTATIX getestet, jedoch hat Marcus Bruns nur die halbe Wahrheit erzählt und gezeigt. Leider hat er sich vor dem Produkttest nicht ausführlich mit dem Thema beschäftigt.
Ich habe ihn nach dem Test persönlich getroffen und er ist begeistert von ROTATIX. Golftrainer sollten daraus kein Geheimnis machen.
Hier geht's zum Bericht
ist ein Blog/Magazin mit Trainingstipps, Wissenswertem, Interviews, Produkt-Tests und vielem mehr. Hier wurde auch HMC-FLEX-STICKS getestet, jedoch hat Marcus Bruns den Sinn des Gerätes nicht wirklich erkannt.
HMC steht für Head Movement Control: Kontrolliere Deine Kopfbewegung!
Er testet alles, nur nicht den eigentlichen Zweck des Trainingsgerätes. Deshalb hat er wahrscheinlich auch nicht verstanden, warum zwei Sticks im Karton sind. Ei..ei..ei...
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